Echoes from the Tunisian Blogosphere

Mochekes (FR), MMM, Tom (FR), Kaaboura and Adib (FR) write about Dubai's TECOM winning the bid for a 35% stake of Tunisie Telecom, the monopoly fixed-line operator in Tunisia which is also estimated to control 72% of the country’s mobile market.

They hope this will bring about a change to the better inside the company and when it comes to the quality of its services.

Zizou (FR) writes about how a 1997 survey between 500 Tunisian women showed that 33,8% of them were victims of violence at home. He wonders if all women know what to do in cases like this and if everything possible is done to help them. He mentions a number of women organisations in Tunisia, and he states that the position the Tunisian woman is in today is the best in the Arab and Muslim world, but that the fight continues.

Nawarat (FR) talks about shopping in Tunisia and how bad it is, how you're limited to either having to buy mediocre quality clothes at cheap prices that everyone is wearing, or buying clothes you really like at madly expensive prices.

One of the writers at KEN (Khadra Environmental News) writes about how they will start using a Tunisian basket while shopping in Montreal to try to cut down on the use of all the plastic bags and packaging. They think that the Tunisian basket is definitely one of the most ecological means to carry groceries. Not only because it is made of natural products, it's also reusable, and it reflects a Tunisian know-how.
They invite all Tunisians living in Tunisia and abroad, as well as non-Tunisians, to get a basket for their shopping.

Karim provides a coverage of the 5 days of the Mediterranean Guitar Festival that was held in downtown Tunis last week. (Days: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

ImperatorKing asks about the necessity and pertinence of having blogger meetups. He wonders if certain groups are being created between the Tunisian bloggers because of the meetups. He also raises the issue of some people being afraid to let go of their privacy and anonymosity to take the step towards meeting these people they don't know in the real world.

Swobodin writes about the name of Africa, which comes from Ifriqia, the old name of Tunisia, which also means ‘The Seperator’. He states that even the Romans used to call Tunisia ‘Africa’ and goes on to explain where the name came from.

MMM writes about blogs being a means of social networking and how many interesting people he got to meet both offline and online because of blogging.


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