A Week Goes by in Kuwait

From a new movie to a naming special day after a popular soft drink (pop for Americans) to creating Kuwait's very own supermarket brand. These were some of the conversations going on at the Kuwaiti blogospehere last week.

K TheKuwaiti talks about a new movie Sharq that is produced in Kuwait. He posts a link to its trailer.

“Sharq” (”EAST”), Directed by Erik Sandoval and Produced by Abdulaziz Alsharhan, “Sharq” is one of the first independent filmes produced in KUWAIT. Stay tuned for links to the trailer and still shots of the movie due to be released in the “Hala Febrayer” festival in Kuwait theatres among many competitions worldwide

Meanwhile, a couple of Kuwaiti bloggers declared February 14 Shani Day ( Shani is a soft drink that is found around the Gulf countries and produced by Pepsi Co ) Nibaq shows us in one picture how long he is planning to celebrate the day.

intlxpatr takes a picture of a house which she calls the mangaf mansion. She enjoyed its unique look and says:

Every time I see this house, I grin. I love it that someone has the money and the imagination to build exactly the house he wanted, and that he did it knowing he would probably get criticism. He built it anyway. Good on him.

Up for some scary moments? Angelo Over at Myheaven posts some local horror stories! I wonder which one is the scariest!

The other day, me and my friends were having one of our meaningless discussions and the next thing we were talking about some scary tales (or urban legends) we heard from other folks or other forms of media. Many of us told many stories, and some of them really freaked me out, so I thought to share some of these stories and see if you (by any chance) heard about them somewhere. Now, I’m not saying they’re real, or I want you to believe them, because I assume most of them are urban legends. I chose two stories that two of my friends told and the last one was told by me

Sabah Hussain take us to another day of his life. He goes out and checks the lights at Ahmadi

Yesterday we went over to Maliha's sister's home in Ahmadi as they had been asking us to come over to check out the decorations for the upcoming independence and national days (25th/26th Feb)

Maze Wonders What wrong with the guys here!!?

Every time I observe such incidents happening in public places with guys hitting on girls in a bad manner and approach.This post doesn't apply to all Kuwaiti guys…I know many of them are well mannered and educated and know the ethics of life

It is the start of a new brand? yo ghurt thinks she is witnessing it.

I noticed over the weekend that The Sultan Center (TSC) is holding a Kuwait promotion (for those who don’t know this chain of supermarkets, it’s probably the largest in Kuwait, and the one which many ‘expats’ of all nationalities use). I suppose the promotion is in anticipation of the coming National Days and possibly setting up TSC as ‘Kuwait’s brand’ before the Carrefour and Geant hypermarkets arrive soon.

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