Palestinian Captures Virginia Tech Shooting on Cell Phone

Blogger Rima Abdelkader reports that a Palestinian student captured the massacre that took place at Virginia Tech
“One Virginia Tech student became a citizen journalist today by capturing some of the shooting through his cell phone. With a Nokia N70 camera phone in hand and a lot of courage, Virginia Tech student, Jamal Albarghouti, of Palestinian descent from the West Bank in Palestine, recorded the shooting of an unidentified gunman, downloaded it and then sent it to CNN i-Report, where everyday people get the chance to become citizen journalists by posting video of events affecting them and their communities,” she writes.

1 comment

  • […] The difference is that the collective American people already expected this from us (us meaning Arabs and Muslims), and 9/11 validated that for them. We are the first ones the nation looks to when these tragedies occur. As Angry Arab said, When a tragic story like this unfolds on TV, you just want no Arab to be around that story. You know that no matter who was responsible, unfounded speculations and premature conclusions will be circulated to the effect that some Arabs or Muslims are guilty. In fact, some news reports admitted that this was the first suspicion of the police before the sighting of an “Asian student” as suspect was confirmed. [note: There were Arabs around, […]

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