Ukraine: Victor Yushchenko the Anti-Hero (Or Not)

Victor Yanukovych is Ukraine's new prime minister, and it looks like the president, Victor Yushchenko, is the nation's new “anti-hero.”

At least, this is what LJ user didaio concludes (UKR) after reading through the recent posts of his fellow-bloggers:

Before August 2, the only problem with my friend list was that it had few people on it. The reason for that was that I used to add only Ukrainian-language journals (with just a few exceptions). About 95 percent of my friend list are political [blogs]. Before, there was no one on it who was openly pouring dirt on the President.

After August 2, I saw more dirt directed at the President in my feeds than I'd ever seen directed at [Oleksandr Moroz] (after July 6) or at Yanukovych. Judging by the feeds, the nation's main anti-hero is Victor Andriyovych Yushchenko. Everyone's calling him beekeeper [pasichnyk] now […]. There can be only two reasons for this: his refusal to dismiss the parliament and the nomination of Yanukovych [for PM].

I don't want to judge these people's conclusions; I just want to say what I've been saying always (even back in [Leonid Kuchma]'s time): such attacks on the President are immoral […].

In these two days, I've also heard similar accusations directed at me. I've also been accused of having […] low intellectual level. The reason is my support for the President's latest actions.

So that no one has any doubts or questions as to my position, I repeat: I support the signing of the Universal of National Unity, support the creation of the new Coalition of the [Party of the Regions], [Our Ukraine] and [Socialist Party] (without [Communist Party]). I am immensely sorry that [Yuri Yekhanurov] is no longer the premier, and that the ex-con Yanukovych has replaced him. But this is the objective consequence of irresponsible behaviour of the Orange Team in the past year and a half. I've been a steadfast supporter of the Our Ukraine-Party of the Regions Coalition since March 27, 2006 [one day after the election]. And I'm very glad [Yulia Tymoshenko] is the opposition now – I'm positive she won't let the President and the government relax.

I'm very sorry that the friends whose feeds I used to read with pleasure now allow themselves to abuse the President of Ukraine. But I hope that my position and theirs won't affect our virtual relations, though if someone decides to delete me from their friend list, I'll understand.

It turns out, however, that there are plenty of bloggers who share didaio‘s views and are supportive of president Yushchenko:

czyk [in Belarusian]: I respect your president. I see logic in what he does, even though at times, he has to choose from [the worst]. I don't understand what the new election could change. Maybe the problem's not the president but the country: this is what it is now, not all of it is Europhilic, not all of it is Orange. […]

love_precious: We voted for him, we gave him life as the president, and now we have to support him, attempt to understand his position. Yulia in the opposition is good for the Country. Let's judge Yushchenko when his presidency is over – whether life has become better or worse. And in general, would any of us be capable of a better performance? It's always easy to judge.

pashyrey: Oh, and I thought I was the only one like this :)) You've expressed all my thoughts almost verbatim.

didaio: I also thought that I'm the only one like this. But all comments to this post have convinced me that I'm not the only one. It's very, very nice to read it! Thank you!

pashyrey: Maybe this is because people who support the President are calm, have minimum emotions, and don't write much, unlike the opposite side. That's why it seems as if you are a white crow next to what appears to be mass dissatisfaction.

LJ user nezloy quotes (RUS) what Yanukovych said back in 2004, a year and a half ago, as a reminder – and an explanation of why it is such a blow to many to have this man as prime minister again:

From hatred to love – a year and a half.

[photo omitted]

“I believe that there are a lot more strong and healthy people than these animals [‘goats’ in the original], who aren't letting us live the way we want to!” This is what V. Yanukovych said [about his political opponents] on October 21, 2004, in his address to representatives of local communities of Luhansk region. […]

LJ user faina_kaplan dreams (UKR, RUS) of her dislike for Yanukovych – and writes about Yushchenko's unfulfilled promise to prosecute the criminals who were part of the previous regime:

In a dream tonight, I saw [Yanukovych] tied to a chair, like in a mafia movie, and it was possible to do whatever you wanted to with him. And I was eating cherries, throwing pits at him, saying: “I hate you, do you understand? And not just me, but the whole nation hates you!” – And he looked at me sadly and said that he'd keep on moving toward integration with Europe.


kosta_kosta: And I'd put [Yushchenko] next to [Yanukovych]. And [extinguish cigarettes] on them, not throw pits. […]

faina_kaplan: Better think of how [late Georgy Kirpa] must be feeling now: he shot himself prematurely. He really believed that “Bandits will go to jails.”

kosta_kosta[…] And my friend said this today: “A thief's place is in the Cabinet of Ministers.”

LJ user mc_yulka, a Kyiv journalist, experienced a different type of disappointment with president Yushchenko (RUS): because of his early-morning decision to nominate Victor Yanukovych as prime minister, her cover story about Israel's Russian-speaking community and the war was no longer a cover story, and since an urgent redesign of the magazine's cover was needed, her photo of two Israeli children (originally from Dushanbe, Tajikistan) had to be replaced:

Just an hour ago, the new issue of the magazine was supposed to come out with my photo of two kids that I took in a shelter outside Haifa during a bombing alert […]. It was the first and the last chance in my life to have a photo taken by me on the cover.

But then, shortly after 2 am, Yushchenko came out and spoke quite a bunch, and the cover had to be changed, and now there'll be Yushch on the cover, instead of the children from the shelter.


I haven't slept in 46 hours. And I thought that – with a front page story – and with my photo on the cover – that it was worth it. But it's not worth it. […]

mc_yulka has posted some of the pictures from her Israel trip here, and the cancelled cover here (RUS):

UNDER THE PROMISED LAND: Hizbullah's bombing of Israel has united former Odesa, Ivano-Frankivsk and Kyiv residents in the shelters.


  • […] 时光倒回2006年8月,didaio指出,乌克兰部落圈现在不再视尤申科为国家“英雄”,而是“反英雄”,今年1月23日时,他也是乌克兰少数博客还愿意思索[UKR]周年纪念的意义,以及为何尤申科无法符合人民期待: 两年前,我站在独立广场上,身上穿着橘红色雨衣、绑满橘红色丝带,因为眼前景象而满怀骄傲与愉悦,身旁数万名乌克兰人与我心有同感,当时我们看着一位人民总统就职,每个人都希望乌克兰能拥有新生命、新生活水准等等。 我现在无意分析过去两年发生的每一件事,反正还有很多人会写,尤申科的总统职权即将随新法生效而缩小,可能迫使他花费很多时间,努力想摆脱“乌克兰人民傻瓜”的封号。 因此我比较想谈谈,两年前与我并肩的群众到了今日有何态度与反应。 上周我恰好听到两个人说了同一句话:“从前人们有那么多希望…”,其中一位女士在总统大选时投票给前总理亚努科维奇(Victor Yanukovych),过去支持乌克兰第二任总统库奇马(Leonid Kuchma),她毕生都是公务员;另一位青年在总统大选支持尤申科,也长期支持橘色革命,但在去年国会选举时,他却倒戈支持反尤申科阵营,并四处宣传反尤申科理念。两人背景相去甚远,但却一前一后不约而同说出:“从前人们有那么多希望…”。 由此可见,无论选民是对尤申科由支持转而失望,或是未曾支持他,都对尤申科有所期待,现在也都责怪他背离人民希望,我想就不用多做评论了… 总而言之,我认为让橘色革命失败的人不是尤申科,而是我们自己,所有推翻库奇马、力助尤申科上台的人都有责任,因为我们以为革命已然成功,便只关心私人事务;因为我们只看见尤申科与前总理提莫申科拥有六成民意支持度,却忽视了社会长期危机。如果我们现在只埋首于私人生活,想尽办法远离政治,我们就会一败涂地。 我已写过许多次类似的话,但我还要再次重申,…让乌克兰民众瞭解,我们不仅要对自己的生命负责,也要为我们的祖国命运负责,一切都操之在我们手中。 […]

  • […] 时光倒回2006年8月,didaio指出,乌克兰部落圈现在不再视尤申科为国家“英雄”,而是“反英雄”,今年1月23日时,他也是乌克兰少数博客还愿意思索[UKR]周年纪念的意义,以及为何尤申科无法符合人民期待: 两年前,我站在独立广场上,身上穿着橘红色雨衣、绑满橘红色丝带,因为眼前景象而满怀骄傲与愉悦,身旁数万名乌克兰人与我心有同感,当时我们看着一位人民总统就职,每个人都希望乌克兰能拥有新生命、新生活水准等等。 我现在无意分析过去两年发生的每一件事,反正还有很多人会写,尤申科的总统职权即将随新法生效而缩小,可能迫使他花费很多时间,努力想摆脱“乌克兰人民傻瓜”的封号。 因此我比较想谈谈,两年前与我并肩的群众到了今日有何态度与反应。 上周我恰好听到两个人说了同一句话:“从前人们有那么多希望…”,其中一位女士在总统大选时投票给前总理亚努科维奇(Victor Yanukovych),过去支持乌克兰第二任总统库奇马(Leonid Kuchma),她毕生都是公务员;另一位青年在总统大选支持尤申科,也长期支持橘色革命,但在去年国会选举时,他却倒戈支持反尤申科阵营,并四处宣传反尤申科理念。两人背景相去甚远,但却一前一后不约而同说出:“从前人们有那么多希望…”。 由此可见,无论选民是对尤申科由支持转而失望,或是未曾支持他,都对尤申科有所期待,现在也都责怪他背离人民希望,我想就不用多做评论了… 总而言之,我认为让橘色革命失败的人不是尤申科,而是我们自己,所有推翻库奇马、力助尤申科上台的人都有责任,因为我们以为革命已然成功,便只关心私人事务;因为我们只看见尤申科与前总理提莫申科拥有六成民意支持度,却忽视了社会长期危机。如果我们现在只埋首于私人生活,想尽办法远离政治,我们就会一败涂地。 我已写过许多次类似的话,但我还要再次重申,…让乌克兰民众瞭解,我们不仅要对自己的生命负责,也要为我们的祖国命运负责,一切都操之在我们手中。 […]

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