Reactions to the Burmese “Royal” Wedding Video Clip

A clip from a leaked video of Myanmar's (Burma) military ruler Senior General Than Shwe‘s daughter's wedding was posted online last week. People who have seen the video are appalled by the vulgar display of wealth.

Myanmar blogger Myouez at Blog of Nyen Chan Yar writes.

People of Myanmar want to watch that video because we want to see how dictator Than Shwe and his family is wasting country’s money as their own wealth and how they were accepting bribe as “wedding gift”.

Bhojman sums up the reasons why the ordinary Myanmar citizens are angry.

The lavishness of the event is in stark contrast to the poverty and suffering being endured by most of the country. If it's true the couple received $5o million worth of wedding gifts then I am truly distressed.n Most do not earn enough to even feed their families, minority groups are continually on the run from the Burmese military, their crops and homes destroyed, their women raped and many forced into slave labour to build roads or be porters for the military.

Nicholas Farrelly at the New Mandala blog wonders if there is any political intrigue behind the leaking of the video

Real questions remain about the video’s appearance on the Internet, and its relationship to power politics within the Burmese regime’s inner-circle. If anybody has any potential answers, don’t be shy about posting comments. It would be great to get some discussion going on Burma’s military elite and the implications of this video.

1 comment

  • Min Myo Naing

    I would say The Ugliest Wedding of the Century rather than dubbing as Royal Wedding. Since Than Shwe is not a bloodline of a royal family it is not proper to use the word “royal” by the military butchers of Burma. And how dare and stupid is the old fool that he celebrated and publicized the lavish wedding ceremony of his daughter to the entire nation by VCDs. A kind of insult to public who are suffering under the ruling of military dictators for more than four decades, the wedding proved insignificance but a disgrace act. As for me it reminds me of a picture in which King Nero was playing a harp while his country is burning after it was hit by a catastrophe.

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